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| Home | News | Photo | Minsk Turns 950! A knights’ festival, opening of a museum of horse-drawn trams and other events to celebrate the anniversary of the city

Minsk Turns 950! A knights’ festival, opening of a museum of horse-drawn trams and other events to celebrate the anniversary of the city

Minsk Turns 950! A knights’ festival, opening of a museum of horse-drawn trams and other events to celebrate the anniversary of the city
3 Mar 2017

Knights in heavy armor, long wavy banners, clang of swords, spectacular hand-to-hand fights… The spring of 2017 in Minsk began with a large event dedicated to the anniversary of the beloved city: the historical reenactment festival “Chivalry at All Times” in the old Upper Town, the heart of the capital city.

This year Minsk celebrates the 950th anniversary since it was first mentioned in a historical chronicle. The Tale of Bygone Years described the legendary battle between the armies of Polotsk Prince Vseslav the Sorcerer and the armies of the descendants of Yaroslav the Wise on the Nemiga River in Minsk on 3 March 1067.

Traditionally, the City Day is celebrated on the second Saturday of September (this year it will be 9 September). However, given the big date, interesting projects and activities will be held throughout the year. For instance, a new sculpture was unveiled in Minsk to mark the Belarusian police 100th anniversary. The monument to a policeman, an officer of the early 20th centur, the epitome of reliability and security, was unveiled in Gorodskoi Val Street on 2 March.

On 3 March, the Minsk Town Hall witnessed the open-air reenactment festival Chivalry at All Times. The festival gathered participants dressed up as soldiers of different times, from the 11th to 19th centuries. The festival kick-started a wide program of theatrical performances and reenactments in the Belarusian capital…

Another gift for the city was the presentation of a new exposition about horse-drawn trams in the Minsk History Museum. The visitors were invited to have a ride in a miniature car along the streets of the provincial town, make a virtual excursion around Sobornaya Square (today Svobody Square) and take a glimpse into the shop windows of the most popular stores of the 19th-20th centuries… 

Photos by Oksana Manchuk

Monument to an early 20th-century policeman in Minsk
Chivalry at All Times festival in Minsk
Minsk Turns 950! A knights’ festival, opening of a museum of horse-drawn trams and other events to celebrate the anniversary of the city
Chivalry at All Times festival in Minsk
Chivalry at All Times festival in Minsk
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