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Belarus’ Election 2015: Registration of Presidential Candidates

Belarus’ Election 2015: Registration of Presidential Candidates
10 Sep 2015

On 10 September the Central Election Commission of Belarus officially named the candidates for the post of the President of Belarus. Following the most important stages in the election race – the collection of voter signatures and their verification, and the submitting of necessary documents by the potential candidates – the Central Election Commission registered the presidential candidates who had collected at least 100,000 of valid voter signatures. They will continue their presidential run.

Candidates for Belarus’ presidency are:

On the day of the official candidate registration the CEC held a draw for the candidates’ TV and radio airtime, and approved the form and number of voting ballots.

The full-scale pre-election campaigning will begin a month ahead of the election day, on 11 September 2015.

Comments of CEC Chairperson Lidia Yermoshina and CEC Secretary Nikolai Lozovik on the day of presidential candidate registration are here:

Lidia Yermoshina: It is up to Western nations to recognize the presidential election as valid or not

Belarus’ Election 2015: Registration of Presidential Candidates
Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina
Tatiana Korotkevich
Sergei Gaidukevich
Nikolai Ulakhovich
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