CAIRO, 16 January (BelTA) – There are new avenues for cooperation opening up between Belarus and Egypt, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at the opening of the Belarusian-Egyptian business forum on 16 January, BelTA has learned.
“New avenues for cooperation open up between Belarus and Egypt. You know Belarus tractors very well. Minsk Automobile Plant, another big Belarusian company, starts exploring the Egyptian market. We sell Belarusian equipment and are ready to come here with our technologies and specialists, set up companies, demonstrate our working abilities and teach Egyptians how to make these products,” Alexander Lukashenko said.
According to the head of state, it is possible to set up new joint assembly plants in Egypt to produce haul trucks, road construction and utilities equipment.
“Today many countries show a big interest in Belarusian geologic exploration, deep-water well drilling, and waste water purification technologies. Our specialists are ready to share the knowledge and experience with Egyptian partners. In the agro-industrial sector we can team up to set up demonstration farms and processing companies,” said the President.
Alexander Lukashenko called upon businessmen of the two countries to use more actively the potential of the Belarusian-Egyptian trade commission and the working group on industrial cooperation in establishing bilateral ties. “Make proposals and be sure that you will be supported at the highest level. You will see the same approach from my counterpart and friend Egypt President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,” the Belarusian leader sai