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24 Aug 2017

Lukashenko enumerates major principles of Belarusian education

Lukashenko enumerates major principles of Belarusian education

MINSK, 24 August (BelTA) – When improving the system of education, Belarus should use the principles of state support, social justice, and equal access to education, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko during the plenary session of the Nationwide Conference on Teaching on 24 August, BelTA has learned.

“We have to do a lot to develop the human potential. Therefore, we need an objective and impartial evaluation of the progress in the development of all elements of Belarusian education, determine the prospects of its improvement. Of course, we have already done many things in this area,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “The main thing is that we have preserved positive achievements of previous generations. Among them are state support, social justice, equal access to education, its decent level. These are the principles we must use when planning further transformations in this field.”

There are all opportunities for the efficient fulfillment of our plans, the president emphasized. “We have created the necessary infrastructure at educational institutions. They have qualified personnel. The state annually allocates a big part of the state budget for education and social support of youth. Therefore, we can expect corresponding results from the pedagogical community at all levels of the education system,” the head of state noted.

Lukashenko: Teachers by right enjoy great respect and attention in Belarus

“All of us had teachers who not only cultivated love for their subjects but also helped us determine our way in life. That is why teachers by right enjoy great respect and attention in Belarus. This profession is not for come-and-go people”...

Lukashenko demands constant improvement in education

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said when he visited the exhibition of new school books and education programs published for the 2017-2018 academic year...

Belarusian universities told to publish new admission rules in advance 

“We need to keep working on the university enrollment system. It should provide the candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate their logical and creative thinking. I would like to warn you that when amending admission requirements the public should be informed about this in a timely manner”...

Lukashenko: Centralized tests should be fully in sync with school curriculum 

“I would like the Education Ministry to make sure that centralized tests in all subjects are revised and are fully in sync with school curriculum in 2018,” Alexander Lukashenko said during the plenary session of the Nationwide Conference on Teaching...

Belarus president wants teacher salaries fixed in 2018 

“We didn’t press the issue but during the latest report I warned the education minister and the vice premier that the problem of teachers complaining about low salaries should be fixed next year. I am not talking about the size of salaries"...

Lukashenko calls to ‘improve’ education system, not ‘break’ it 

“You know my approaches to the transformation, modernization, and reformation of the education system in Belarus. The point is that I strongly oppose any breakdown, even reformation in the real sense of this word”...

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