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30 Oct 2023

Trade between Belarus and Russia’s Penza Oblast up by 19% in January-August 2023

Trade between Belarus and Russia’s Penza Oblast up by 19% in January-August 2023
Photo courtesy of the Belarusian Embassy

BREST, 30 October (BelTA) - Trade between Belarus and Russia’s Penza Oblast increased by 19% in January-August of this year year-on-year. Such data were voiced during the second meeting of the working group on cooperation between Belarus and Penza Oblast of Russia, which was held in Russia on 30 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee.

On the Belarusian side, the working group was headed by Brest Oblast Governor Yuri Shuleiko. The delegation included Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi, representatives of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee, the Luninets District Executive Committee and Ivatsevichi District Executive Committee, the regional branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the branch of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, the Brest Science and Technology Park. Twelve largest enterprises of the region and Belarus also delegated their representatives.

"Penza Oblast is one of the important and promising partners for the Republic of Belarus. Every year we take more and more steps towards closer and mutually beneficial cooperation. In January-August of 2023, the trade between Belarus and Penza Oblast amounted to almost $88 million, which was 19% more than in the same period of last year. The trade between Brest Oblast and Penza Oblast accounted for exactly a tenth of the national trade, up by 18% compared to last year," Yuri Shuleiko said.

He added that though the momentum is there, the parties do not intend to rest on their laurels. There is great potential for strengthening cooperation in various fields. "Our task is to assist all those interested in organizing constructive negotiations to advance cooperation in all areas," the Brest Oblast governor emphasized.

According to Penza Oblast Governor Oleg Melnichenko, cooperation between the regions of Russia and Belarus contributes towards economic, political and social ties of the Union State. "Thanks to cooperation, there are more opportunities for the exchange of goods and the growth of production, for improving the quality of education and healthcare. I am convinced that today's meeting of the working group will help advance our fraternal relations based on strong trust and reliable partnership," Oleg Melnichenko said.

The program of the working meeting was quite packed. An agreement on cooperation were signed between Luninets District of Brest Oblast and the Lunino District of Penza Oblast. A twinning agreement was  concluded between Ivatsevichi District and Bessonovka District. The delegation of Brest Oblast also laid flowers at the Eternal Flame of the Monument of Military and Labor Glory in Penza. The delegation is set to tour a number of major enterprises of the Russian region.

The first meeting of the working group on cooperation between Belarus and  Penza Oblast was held in Brest on 30 March 2022.

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