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15 Jul 2023

Snopkov outlines key areas of investment cooperation with China

Snopkov outlines key areas of investment cooperation with China
Photo courtesy of the Belarusian government

MINSK, 15 July (BelTA) – Industrial development, cooperation in the machine tool industry, the production of high-tech medical equipment and development of the pharmaceutical industry are crucial for Belarus’ industrial and technological security and are strategic areas of investment cooperation with China, Belarus’ First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov said as he met with President of the Chinese company Genertec Lu Yiming, BelTA learned from the press service of the government.

China General Technology (Group) Holding Co Ltd, commonly known as Genertec, is a centrally administered state-owned enterprise. It specializes in advanced manufacturing and technical services, medicine and healthcare, engineering services. Genertec owns one machine tool engineering research institute and seven machine tool production and manufacturing companies.

The company’s competencies are of interest to Belarus and domestic enterprises. It is not only about the supply of technological equipment, component parts and materials, but also about technologies, joint ventures and production localization with a focus on the EAEU market.

During the talks the parties agreed to study in detail the possibility of creating a cluster of companies that produce processing equipment, launching joint production of textile chemical fibers, medicines and medical equipment on the premises of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone.

In the near future, a team will be sent to Belarus to work out mechanisms for implementing joint projects.

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