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12 May 2023

Single industrial policy, technological sovereignty among Belarus-Russia cooperation priorities

Single industrial policy, technological sovereignty among Belarus-Russia cooperation priorities
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MINSK, 12 May (BelTA) – Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko mentioned priority avenues of Belarus-Russia cooperation as he met with a delegation of the Russian Federation led by Deputy Prime Minister, Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov, BelTA has learned.

The manufacturing sector has always occupied a special place in Belarus-Russia trade and economic relations, Roman Golovchenko stressed. “Our enterprises are connected by very tight manufacturing cooperation relations that grow stronger for the benefit of the two countries,” he said. “We also face serious tasks of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the Union State of Belarus and Russia and of protecting national interests.”

According to the prime minister, the countries are actively taking measures to ensure the necessary level of import substitution and its further growth. “We are intent on systemically advancing manufacturing cooperation,” the head of government added. “The single industrial policy, which should be filled with real content, occupies a leading place in the package of Union State programs. It is necessary to work out and pass all the necessary documents, which will allow creating the framework of the single industrial policy of the Union State.”

Roman Golovchenko remarked that the Russian delegation will have a busy itinerary in Belarus, including visits to significant Belarusian enterprises that play an important role in the development of Belarusian-Russian joint projects.


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