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6 Jun 2023

Over 100 vehicles on MAZ chassis to be shipped to Russia’s Primorye Territory

Over 100 vehicles on MAZ chassis to be shipped to Russia’s Primorye Territory
Photo courtesy of MAZ

MINSK, 6 June (BelTA) – More than 100 trucks and special vehicles based on the MAZ chassis will be delivered to Primorye Territory of Russia, BelTA learned from the press service of Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ trademark).

Minsk Automobile Plant hosted a delegation from Primorye Territory headed by Minister of Transport and Roads of the region Aleksei Ignatenko. “The Primorye Territory administration, in agreement with the Russian government, approved the allocation of RUB700 million for the purchase of passenger transport. Now we are studying the models of Belarus-made buses that could join our bus service soon. Residents of the region are familiar with MAZ vehicles - utility vehicles, trucks and construction equipment of the Belarusian company are in operation in our region,” he said.

During the negotiations, a contract was signed to supply 107 trucks and special vehicles based on the MAZ chassis to Primorye Territory. The document was signed by Primavtodor Director General Aleksei Shirshov and Director General of Far East Auto Center, the official dealer of Minsk Automobile Plant, Sergei Klimov. The press service added that the contract was concluded after the Belarusian company won the tender for the supply of equipment to the Russian region.

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