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20 Nov 2023

Mitskevich: Belarus ready to discuss cooperation in potash industry with Brazil

Mitskevich: Belarus ready to discuss cooperation in potash industry with Brazil

MINSK, 20 November (BelTA) -  Belarus is ready to discuss with Brazil the cooperation in potash industry, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Valery Mitskevich said during a meeting with Romenio Pereira, Secretary for International Relations of the Workers' Party of Brazil, BelTA has learned.

"Belarus is ready to host a Brazilian government and business delegation, show them the potash infrastructure and discuss topical issues of cooperation. We are confident that the competitive environment for fertilizer producers in the Brazilian market with the participation of Belarusian offers will make the price fairer, and Brazilian agricultural products more affordable for all countries," Valery Mitskevich said.

He added that Brazilian businessmen also showed a high interest in the project of joint production of Belarusian small tractors for the needs of Brazilian farms. "As part of Brazilian President Lula da Silva's new agricultural policy focused on small farms, Belarus can offer effective solutions suitable for family farms. Tractors are affordable, easy to operate, and can be repaired and maintained in the field," Valery Mitskevich emphasized.

At the moment Belarus has the necessary technologies and production resources to expand its participation and join Brazilian state programs to provide small tractors to private farmers and family farms, the vice speaker noted. This is possible taking into account the requirements of Brazilian legislation on the localization at 60%. "We need to identify a number of promising projects that are beneficial for both sides and that could become a kind of locomotive for the development of relations," Valery Mitskevich concluded.

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