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26 May 2023

Minister: Belarus wants to offer Russia to build an amino acid making plant

Minister: Belarus wants to offer Russia to build an amino acid making plant

MINSK OBLAST, 26 May (BelTA) – The possibility of building a plant to produce the missing amino acids, similar to the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation (BNBC), will be discussed at the first biotechnology forum of the Belarus-Russia Union State, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said on the sidelines of the forum, BelTA has learned.

“The Union State Biotechnology Forum is the first large-scale event at the BNBC. In September 2022 we achieved good production figures and the corporation has something to show. In this case our main task is to establish cooperation with Russia,” Igor Brylo said.

In his words, at today's event the Russian colleagues will be familiarized with the possibilities and the highest technologies of BNBC.

“More than 120 participants have come to our event today, and more than 50 of them are the largest producers in Russia. They are engaged in the production of grain, mixed fodder, and amino acids. I would like to point out that now we are not competing with the Russian market, but we are showing them our achievements within the Union State. For instance, BNBC completely meets the demand of our two countries for such an amino acid as lysine sulfate. Accordingly, we can provide Russia with this amino acid, too,” the minister said.

According to him, some amino acids continue to be imported into our countries.

“There is an idea to take a model of the BNBC and create on its likeness the production of missing amino acids for our countries in Russia. We can get rid of the need to import them from Europe and Asian countries. This would let us work in a common market and supplement each other. I think we will have a good professional dialogue, because the interest of producers is very high,” Igor Brylo said.

The first biotechnology forum of the Belarus-Russia Union State is taking place on the site of the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation in Minsk Oblast. The event envisages a tour around the BNBC production facilities: amino acid production, feed production, premix production, scientific and practical center, infrastructure facilities. The program of the forum will also include discussion sessions. The main topics to be discussed at the forum are biotechnologies in the Union State, development of new export-oriented productions, new opportunities for forage production in the Union State, efficiency and technologies in livestock breeding and many other matters.

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