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6 Feb 2017

Iran invites Belarus to partake in North-South, West-East transport corridor projects

MINSK, 6 February (BelTA) – Iran invites Belarus to participate in the projects to develop the North-South and West-East transnational transport corridors. Iran President Hassan Rouhani and Chairman of the Council of the Republic of Belarus’ National Assembly Mikhail Myasnikovich discussed relevant agreements during their meeting in Iran, BelTA learned from the Council of the Republic.

The meeting was held as part of the official visit of a Belarusian parliamentary delegation to Iran. “The parties had a friendly and constructive exchange of opinions on different aspects of political, economic, parliamentary, scientific and technical cooperation,” the Council of the Republic said.

President Hassan Rouhani noted that he met with Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Ufa in 2015. The heads of state agreed to focus on cooperation in a number of large-scale economic projects. Mikhail Myasnikovich pointed out that this approach underpins the roadmap signed by Belarus and Iran in 2016. He added that Belarus takes measures to implement the reached agreements. The head of the Council of the Republic also suggested that Belarus and Iran could strengthen cooperation in manufacturing industry and finances.

Special attention was paid to ways to streamline financial transactions between economic entities. Iranian companies were invited to implement investment projects in Belarus.

The sides also discussed cooperation in science an technology. They pointed out that Belarus and Iran have a number of competitive innovative technologies, including nanotechnologies and space technologies. Hassan Rouhani and Mikhail Myasnikovich agreed that special attention will be given to supporting the youth who take part in different projects. Matters related to the training of Iranian specialists at Belarusian universities were also discussed.

The parties emphasized the importance of interparliamentary cooperation between Belarus and Iran.

The Iranian leader expressed the country’s eagerness to intensify the relations with the Eurasian Economic Union and invited Belarus to take part in the projects to develop the North-South and West-East transnational transport corridors that are nearing completion and are built in cooperation with Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Iran views Belarus as a bridge between Europe and the countries of Central Asia.

Mikhail Myasnikovich conveyed warm greetings from Alexander Lukashenko and wished Hassan Rouhani success in the upcoming presidential election.

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