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22 Feb 2024

Golovchenko reviews results of Orsha District development program

Golovchenko reviews results of Orsha District development program

ORSHA, 22 February (BelTA) – The Orsha District development program that has just wrapped up by and large has given a boost to many sectors, including manufacturing and social sphere, Belarus’ Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko told journalists at the opening of a new clinic in Orsha, BelTA has learned.

“The program has already drawn to a close; we will soon review its results and analyze what we have achieved. Yet, I can already say that most of the targets have been fulfilled. It is important to see the general picture, not just numbers and indicators. Definitely, the industrial complex of Orsha District has received a new lease on life,” emphasized Roman Golovchenko.

He noted that enterprises that are showing consistently stable performance today were in a dire state back in 2018, in particular, the instrument making plant, PAK Plant, and Legmash. “What we see now is a far cry from what it used to be. In fact, investment projects have been implemented or are being completed at all enterprises,” the prime minister said.

He added that the improvements mean not only better performance of the economic sector, but also higher wages for people. “Let’s rewind a bit and recall 2017, the year before the start of the program. Back then most of these enterprises did not pay more than Br700,” Roman Golovchenko emphasized. “Now the average wage at these enterprises has exceeded Br1,500. This is one of the most important outcomes,” he remarked.

Modernization projects at enterprises of Orsha District are still ongoing. “I am sure, as soon as they are completed, we will see a further increase in household income. This is the most important thing, our end goal. There are other important indicators, mostly concerning macroeconomics, including the growth of investments, the share of the district’s own revenues; contributions to the district budget have increased,” the prime minister noted.

He added that some indicators were not achieved. “Of all the so-called tax incentives and preferences, I think there were 16 of them, only two were in demand. We can already see that this instrument has failed to generate growth at the regional level. This means we need to think of something else, to come up with other tools that can give a boost to the development of the region,” noted Roman Golovchenko.

Formally, the Orsha District development program has been completed, and general conclusions can already be drawn. “The district has indeed received the impetus to keep developing. In general, we believe that the task set by the president has been fulfilled,” the prime minister remarked.

Speaking about changes in the district, Roman Golovchenko highlighted improvements in social infrastructure, including the commissioning of a new clinic No. 6. “A lot has been done to improve the social sphere of Orsha District. I will not list the facilities that were built, upgraded, commissioned. This clinic is one of the examples of how it should be in each of our district capitals. It cost a lot of money for the country, but I am sure that these investments will pay off. No matter how difficult it is, the government is looking for resources to build facilities of such a level. This facility is very well staffed,” Roman Golovchenko said.

At the commissioning of the clinic, he noted that more such facilities will be opened in the northern region, including Vitebsk Oblast Infectious Diseases Hospital and the surgical building of Vitebsk Oblast Hospital. “We have a number of healthcare facilities under construction throughout Vitebsk Oblast. All plans regarding social infrastructure facilities will be fulfilled,” the prime minister concluded.

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