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25 Jul 2023

Diplomats, Grodno Oblast governor discuss Belarus-China cooperation

Diplomats, Grodno Oblast governor discuss Belarus-China cooperation
Photo from Telegram channel

MINSK, 25 July (BelTA) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the People’s Republic of China Yuri Senko and Belarus’ Consul General in Shanghai Andrei Andreyev visited Grodno on 22-23 July, BelTA learned from Belarus’ embassy in Beijing.

The diplomats met with Grodno Oblast Governor Vladimir Karanik. They reviewed the outcomes of the Grodno Oblast delegation’s visit to Gansu Province in early July and further cooperation prospects with China.

In addition to that, the diplomats met with representatives of the FEZ Grodnoinvest administration, the region’s biggest enterprises (including Molochny Mir and Grodno Azot), Yanka Kupala Grodno State University and discussed a possibility to expand cooperation with Chinese partners.

Grodno Oblast has sister city relations with China’s Gansu Province and Hainan Province. A protocol of intent has been signed to establish friendly relations with Fujian Province.

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