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18 Oct 2023

China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone, Sinomach Heavy Industry discuss cooperation

China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone, Sinomach Heavy Industry discuss cooperation
Photo courtesy of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone

MINSK, 18 October (BelTA) – The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone and China Sinomach Heavy Industry Corporation (Sinomach Heavy Industry) have discussed cooperation prospects, BelTA learned from the press service of the industrial park.

Top managers of Sinomach Heavy Industry visited the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone. The Chinese delegation met with the management of the Industrial Park Development Company to discuss investment opportunities, preferences for resident companies and cooperation prospects.

Sinomach Heavy Industry is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach Group). The company specializes in construction machinery production, R&D services, project contracting, and trade in related fields.

The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone is a special economic zone with a special legal regime. It is located 25km away from Minsk. The park’s priority development areas include mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, biotechnologies, pharmaceutics, new materials, logistics, digital commerce, big data storage and processing.


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