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12 Oct 2023

Brest Oblast delegation on return visit to Russia’s Ulyanovsk Oblast

Brest Oblast delegation on return visit to Russia’s Ulyanovsk Oblast
Dmitry Gorodetsky. Photo courtesy of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee

BREST, 12 October (BelTA) – A delegation of Brest Oblast is paying a return visit to Ulyanovsk Oblast of Russia on 11-13 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee.

A reminder, the Ulyanovsk Oblast delegation led by governor Alexei Russkikh visited Brest Oblast in early October. Shortly after that, the Brest Oblast delegation headed by deputy governor Dmitry Gorodetsky went on a return visit to Ulyanovsk Oblast in order to cement the arrangements and map out cooperation plans. The key tasks of the visit are to establish closer economic ties, primarily in the industrial sector. During their return visit, the Brest Oblast delegation will visit various enterprises and the Port Special Economic Zone Ulyanovsk and take part in a purchasing session of automotive components at the Competence Center for Industrial Development.

“The Brest Oblast delegation includes representatives of about a dozen enterprises specializing in the production of automotive components, household products, component parts for the automotive industry, batteries, electric lamps and other products. I am sure that we will find common points of interest and forge new partnerships,” said Dmitry Gorodetsky.

The Brest Oblast companies interested in partnerships with Ulyanovsk Oblast include Pruzhany Radio Components Plant, Tsvetotron, Kobrinagromash, Brest Electric Lamps Plant, Brestmash, Zubr Energy and Battery Alliance, Baranovichi Machine Tool Plant, a branch Atlant.

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