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31 Dec 2021

BelNPP's first unit generates over 6bn kWh of electricity

BelNPP's first unit generates over 6bn kWh of electricity
An archive photo

MINSK, 31 December (BelTA) – Since it was connected to the power grid in November 2020, the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated more than 6 billion kWh of electricity, which made it possible to replace 1.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas, Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk said in an interview with the Belarusian radio, BelTA learned from the press service of the Energy Ministry.

Mikhail Mikhadyuk also informed about the progress of work on the second unit. As part of its physical startup program, loading of fresh nuclear fuel into the reactor core was completed on 27 December. The reactor is being densified and will then undergo hydraulic testing at 120 degrees Celsius and 180 kg/cm2 pressure. After that the reactor's primary circuit will be heated up to nominal parameters.

Bringing the reactor plant to the minimum controllable power level and performing the necessary neutron-physical examinations will be an important part of the work.

The stage programs are undergoing expert review, including by the regulator.

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