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15 Jan 2015

Belarus’ woodworking industry to debut at international expo in Istanbul

MINSK, 15 January (BelTA) – Belarusian woodworking products will be showcased at the international expo in Istanbul, Turkey, for the first time, spokesperson for the paper industry concern Bellesbumprom Ruzhena Novitskaya told BelTA.

“The 9th International Wooden, Steel, Automatic, Industrial Door & Door Hardware Fair opened at Istanbul Expo Center on 15 January,” Ruzhena Novitskaya said. For the first time a Belarusian company will present its stand at the large annual expo. Belarus will be represented by the company Stroydetali of the Bellesbumprom concern that will demonstrate its achievements in the production of interior doors from natural wood.

Stroydetali expects that the participation in the international event will help it diversify the markets and establish new contacts with the countries of Europe and the Middle East. The company is one of the three leading manufacturers of interior doors in Belarus. Its products are exported to Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Stroydetali is represented in ten regions of Russia. It also operates eight offices in Kazakhstan and two in Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

The International Wooden, Steel, Automatic, Industrial Door & Door Hardware Fair in Istanbul is one of the largest expos of doors, door hardware, and accessories in the world. It will be open till 18 January.

The Bellesbumprom concern operates 46 organizations engaged in the following sectors: logging (logging, production of timber, lumber, plywood, match, processing of raw materials, production of soft resin); the pulp and paper industry; wood processing and furniture manufacturing.

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