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5 Oct 2016

Belarus takes part in Golden Autumn 2016 expo in Moscow

MOSCOW, 5 October (BelTA) - Belarus is taking part in the Golden Autumn 2016 agriculture expo which opened at the VDNKH center in Moscow on 5 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia.

Belarus’ collective booth features 12 enterprises including OAO Belovezhsky, OAO Zdravushka-Milk, OAO Mogilev Meat Packing Plant and also the manufacturers of agricultural machinery, feed additives, premixes, vitamins for animals, products and equipment for the animal husbandry, and others.

Belarus’ official delegation is led by Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Alexander Subbotin. On 5 October, the delegation took part in the business program which began with the agribusiness forum “Factors for sustainable growth and global competitiveness: yesterday, today, and tomorrow”. All in all, over 40 events are scheduled for industry professionals during the expo.

The 18th installment of the Golden Autumn expo, which is organized by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, has drawn about 2,500 participants from 63 regions of Russia this year. The international part of the exposition is presented by enterprises and collective booths of Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries.

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