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25 Aug 2023

Belarus’ ambassador, Pskov Oblast governor discuss expansion of supplies

Belarus’ ambassador, Pskov Oblast governor discuss expansion of supplies
Photo courtesy of the Belarusian embassy in Russia

MOSCOW, 25 August (BelTA) - Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi paid a working visit to Russia’s Pskov Oblast on 25 August, BelTA learned from the press service of the diplomatic mission. 

The Belarusian ambassador met with Pskov Oblast Governor Mikhail Vedernikov to discuss the entire range of cooperation between Belarus and the Russian border region. “The volumes and rates of our trade and economic interaction are impressive (the trade has doubled over five years). The working group on cooperation (co-chaired by Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko) is a success. Traditionally the agenda includes the expansion of supplies and the lineup of Belarusian passenger, utilities, agricultural and cargo machinery, elevators,” the press service said.

Given the geographical proximity of Pskov Oblast, Dmitry Krutoi suggested making more use of the potential of Belarusian builders and designers, considering the possibility of purchasing Belarusian building materials.

“The parties paid special attention to ensure the loading of the Minsk-Pskov direct flight. It should become all-season, give impetus to the development of joint projects in tourism, direct business interaction,” the press service said.

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