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27 Oct 2023

Andreichenko: Trade between Belarus, Tajikistan is below potential

Andreichenko: Trade between Belarus, Tajikistan is below potential

MINSK, 27 October (BelTA) – The trade between Belarus and Tajikistan does not correspond to the potential of the two countries, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko said during a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus Bakhtovar Safarzoda, BelTA has learned.

"According to our data, the trade between our countries in 2022 was $78 million. This is, of course, very modest. Trade increased by 15% in January-August of this year. But I think we still have a lot of opportunities. These figures, of course, do not correspond to the potential of both your country and our country," Vladimir Andreichenko said.

According to him, the countries have a lot of projects. "The economy is the most important thing today. If there is an economy, there will be salaries, stability, well-being of people, and most importantly, the security of the state," the speaker stressed.

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